plotting commands
Function | Description |
acorr | plot the autocorrelation function |
annotate | annotate something in the figure |
arrow | add an arrow to the axes |
axes | create a new axes |
axhline | draw a horizontal line across axes |
axvline | draw a vertical line across axes |
axhspan | draw a horizontal bar across axes |
axvspan | draw a vertical bar across axes |
axis | set or return the current axis limits |
barbs | a (wind) barb plot |
bar | make a bar chart |
barh | a horizontal bar chart |
broken_barh | a set of horizontal bars with gaps |
box | set the axes frame on/off state |
boxplot | make a box and whisker plot |
cla | clear current axes |
clabel | label a contour plot |
clf | clear a figure window |
clim | adjust the color limits of the current image |
close | close a figure window |
colorbar | add a colorbar to the current figure |
cohere | make a plot of coherence |
contour | make a contour plot |
contourf | make a filled contour plot |
csd | make a plot of cross spectral density |
delaxes | delete an axes from the current figure |
draw | Force a redraw of the current figure |
errorbar | make an errorbar graph |
figlegend | make legend on the figure rather than the axes |
figimage | make a figure image |
figtext | add text in figure coords |
figure | create or change active figure |
fill | make filled polygons |
fill_between | make filled polygons between two curves |
findobj | recursively find all objects matching some criteria |
gca | return the current axes |
gcf | return the current figure |
gci | get the current image, or None |
getp | get a graphics property |
grid | set whether gridding is on |
hexbin | make a 2D hexagonal binning plot |
hist | make a histogram |
hold | set the axes hold state |
ioff | turn interaction mode off |
ion | turn interaction mode on |
isinteractive | return True if interaction mode is on |
imread | load image file into array |
imsave | save array as an image file |
imshow | plot image data |
ishold | return the hold state of the current axes |
legend | make an axes legend |
locator_params | adjust parameters used in locating axis ticks |
loglog | a log log plot |
matshow | display a matrix in a new figure preserving aspect |
margins | set margins used in autoscaling |
pcolor | make a pseudocolor plot |
pcolormesh | make a pseudocolor plot using a quadrilateral mesh |
pie | make a pie chart |
plot | make a line plot |
plot_date | plot dates |
plotfile | plot column data from an ASCII tab/space/comma delimited file |
pie | pie charts |
polar | make a polar plot on a PolarAxes |
psd | make a plot of power spectral density |
quiver | make a direction field (arrows) plot |
rc | control the default params |
rgrids | customize the radial grids and labels for polar |
savefig | save the current figure |
scatter | make a scatter plot |
setp | set a graphics property |
semilogx | log x axis |
semilogy | log y axis |
show | show the figures |
specgram | a spectrogram plot |
spy | plot sparsity pattern using markers or image |
stem | make a stem plot |
subplot | make a subplot (numrows, numcols, axesnum) |
subplots_adjust | change the params controlling the subplot positions of current figure |
subplot_tool | launch the subplot configuration tool |
suptitle | add a figure title |
table | add a table to the plot |
text | add some text at location x,y to the current axes |
thetagrids | customize the radial theta grids and labels for polar |
tick_params | control the appearance of ticks and tick labels |
ticklabel_format | control the format of tick labels |
title | add a title to the current axes |
tricontour | make a contour plot on a triangular grid |
tricontourf | make a filled contour plot on a triangular grid |
tripcolor | make a pseudocolor plot on a triangular grid |
triplot | plot a triangular grid |
xcorr | plot the autocorrelation function of x and y |
xlim | set/get the xlimits |
ylim | set/get the ylimits |
xticks | set/get the xticks |
yticks | set/get the yticks |
xlabel | add an xlabel to the current axes |
ylabel | add a ylabel to the current axes |
autumn | set the default colormap to autumn |
bone | set the default colormap to bone |
cool | set the default colormap to cool |
copper | set the default colormap to copper |
flag | set the default colormap to flag |
gray | set the default colormap to gray |
hot | set the default colormap to hot |
hsv | set the default colormap to hsv |
jet | set the default colormap to jet |
pink | set the default colormap to pink |
prism | set the default colormap to prism |
spring | set the default colormap to spring |
summer | set the default colormap to summer |
winter | set the default colormap to winter |
spectral | set the default colormap to spectral |
provides a Matlab-like plotting framework.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1);
y = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, y)